The schedule is planned from 9am on September 3 (Tuesday) until 3pm on September 6 (Friday).

Participants can register and receive their badges and conference bags with information sheets at the venue from 8:15 until 9:00 on each day.

An excursion and the conference dinner is planned for the afternoon and evening of September 5, respectively.

The smart program (generated by Easychair) is available at this link. A simpler version is below.

Coffee breaks are scheduled each day between 10:30-11:00 and on the first two days between 15:00-15:30.

Tuesday, September 3rd

09:00-09:30 Session 1


09:30-10:30 Session 2: Contributed talks

09:30Martin KutribAndreas MalcherCarlo MereghettiBeatrice PalanoPriscilla Raucci and Matthias Wendlandt
On Properties of Languages Accepted by Deterministic Pushdown Automata with Translucent Input Letters (abstract)
10:00Simon Dieck and Sicco Verwer
On bidirectional deterministic finite automata (abstract)

11:00-12:00 Session 3: Invited talk

11:00Hiroyuki Seki
Automata and Grammars for Data Words (abstract)

13:30-15:00 Session 4: Contributed talks

13:30Keisuke Nakano and Munehiro Iwami
Disproving Termination of Non-Erasing Sole Combinatory Calculus with Tree Automata (abstract)
14:00Sebastian Maneth and Viet Anh Martin Vu
Attributed Tree Transducers for Partial Functions (abstract)
14:30Luisa Herrmann and Richard Mörbitz
Global One-Counter Tree Automata (abstract)

15:30-17:00 Session 5: Contributed talks

15:30Aaron BarnoffCurtis Bright and Jeffrey Shallit
Using finite automata to compute the base-b representation of the golden ratio and other quadratic irrationals (abstract)
16:00Martin BerglundWilleke Martens and Brink van der Merwe
Constructing a BPE Tokenization DFA (abstract)
16:30Dirk Nowotka and Max Wiedenhöft
The Equivalence Problem of E-Pattern Languages with Regular Constraints is Undecidable (abstract)

Wednesday, September 4th

09:00-10:30 Session 6: Contributed talks

09:00Eugene AsarinAldric DegorreCatalin Dima and Bernardo Jacobo Inclán
Computing the Bandwidth of Meager Timed Automata (abstract)
09:30Vincent HugotAdrien Boiret and Yohan Boichut
SAT-Based Automated Completion for Reachability Analysis (abstract)
10:00Bernard BoigelotPascal Fontaine and Baptiste Vergain
Non-Emptiness Test for Automata over Words Indexed by Reals and Rationals (abstract)

11:00-12:00 Session 7: Invited talk

11:00Orna Kupferman
Playing Games on Automata (abstract)

13:30-15:00 Session 8: Contributed talks

13:30Giovanni Pighizzini
Push Complexity: Optimal Bounds and Unary Inputs (abstract)
14:00Vladimir Zakharov and Tianxiang Tang
On the Complexity of Decision Problems for Parameterized Finite State Synchronous Transducers (abstract)
14:30Hermann GruberMarkus Holzer and Christian Rauch
On Pumping Preserving Homomorphisms and the Complexity of the Pumping Problem (Extended Abstract) (abstract)

15:30-17:00 Session 9: Contributed talks

15:30Guilherme DuarteNelma MoreiraLuca Prigioniero and Rogério Reis
Block Languages and their Bitmap Representations (abstract)
16:00Jozef JirasekGalina Jiraskova and Jeffrey Shallit
State Complexity of the Minimal Star Basis (abstract)
16:30Olga Martynova
Exact descriptional complexity of determinization of input-driven pushdown automata (abstract)

Thursday, September 5th

09:00-10:30 Session 10: Contributed talks

09:00Alexander RoodtBrendan WatlingWillem BesterBrink van der MerweSicheol Sung and Yo-Sub Han
Benchmarking Regular Expression Matching (abstract)
09:30Antoine MartinAlexandre Duret-Lutz and Etienne Renault
Translation of Semi-Extended Regular Expressions using Derivatives (abstract)
10:00Robert Baumgartner and Sicco Verwer
PDFA distillation with error bound guarantees (abstract)

11:00-12:00 Session 11: Invited talk

11:00Sang-Ki Ko
Neuro-Symbolic Approach for Efficient Regular Expression Inference (abstract)


Excursion to Kakunodate by bus (lunch, visit to a sake brewery and sightseeing)


Conference dinner

Friday, September 6th

09:30-10:30 Session 12: Contributed talks

09:00Takao Yuyama and Ryoma Sin’Ya
Measuring Power of Commutative Group Languages (abstract)
09:30Michal HospodárViktor Olejár and Juraj Šebej
Decision Problems for Subregular Classes (abstract)
10:00Maria Radionova and Alexander Okhotin
Decision problems for reversible and permutation automata (abstract)
10:30Attila Egri-Nagy and Chrystopher Nehaniv
From Relation to Emulation and Interpretation: Computer Algebra Implementation of the Covering Lemma for Finite Transformation Semigroups (abstract)

11:30-12:30 Session 13: Invited talk

11:30Carl-Fredrik Nyberg-Brodda
(Semi)group languages (abstract)

12:30-14:30 : Closing remarks and lunch at Matsushita